Poetry In Motion
During A Snowstorm
The mind numbing boredom: sitting in the cockpit, pushed-back, no engines running, waiting for the deicing crews to deice the A380.
Four trucks required. Two turn up. One breaks down. Typical New York. Fifty minutes with the air-conditioning off. 545 passengers in the stuffy cabin while we watch big fat snowflakes splat onto the windows. We hear the fire-hose sound of the de-icing as it approaches, violates our world like we're in a car wash, then leaves.
Our only respite, before the long taxi and 12 hour 30 minute flight, is to watch the A Team in action. Four trucks, engines-on deicing on the JetBlue deicing pad. They are knocking-off an A320 every eight minutes, one after the other in a constant stream.
The images from the speech: "From an A380 cockpit"
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