Fracking Pads, Texas
In 2014 the United States became the world's third largest producer of oil after Saudi Arabia and Russia.
And by 2016 the USA was between 86-91% self sufficient in total energy consumption.
Fracking has made it all possible, and at least 600 trucks will visit each pad during its lifetime, depending on who you read, HERE. So work out who will be fixing the roads before you sign-up for the fun.
The oil companies promise that there are no long-term negative effects from putting these pads so close to water-courses and houses; after all what could possibly go wrong? (One radical documentary is HERE)
And anyway, Canada has plenty of fresh water, if it's needed. They can send it by ship, using all those old unwanted oil tankers.
The images from the speech: "From an A380 cockpit"
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